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St. Leo School Yuletide Soup & Bake Sale
November 27, 2021 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

St. Leo School Yuletide Soup & Bake Sale
Saturday, November 27th
10 am-sold out
St. Leo Church Social Hall
Soups: Quart=$8 (take out or dine in!)
Chicken Noodle
Beef Vegetable
Chicken Tortilla
Italian Wedding
Assorted Baked Goods:
Homemade Bread
Peanut Brittle
Cinnamon Rolls
If you can help the day of the sale or would like to donate a soup or baked good please use the following volunteer link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050548AEAA22A2F85-stleo9
Questions contact Mary Leuschel @ 814-594-0523
Thank you for your continued support of SLS!