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Boys Basketball Camp

Elk County Catholic High School 600 Maurus Street, Saint Marys, PA, United States

41st Annual Crusader Basketball Skills Camp Who: Grades 1st-9th When: June 5-9, 2023 Times: Grades 1-3 | 9-10 am Grades 4-6 | 10:15-12 pm Grades 7-9 | 12:30-2:45 pm Where: ECCHS Gymnasiums Basketball Camp Registration Form click here.


Summer Art Sessions

Saint Marys Catholic Elementary School

Summer Art Sessions Who: Grades 4-6 When: June 6-9, 2023 | 9-11 am  Where: SMCES-Art Room Summer Art Sessions Registration Form click here.


Girls Basketball Camp

Elk County Catholic High School 600 Maurus Street, Saint Marys, PA, United States

Lady Crusader Basketball Camp Who: Grades 4th-9th When: June 12-14, 2023 Times: Grades 4-6 | 12-1 pm Grades 7-9 | 1-2  pm Where: ECCHS Gymnasiums Lady Crusader Basketball Camp Registration Form click here.


Summer Theater Program

Elk County Catholic High School 600 Maurus Street, Saint Marys, PA, United States

Summer Theater Program  Who: Students entering grades 4-9 When: June 12-16, 2023 | Monday-Thursday 9-11 am, Friday 11-8 pm Where: ECCHS/SMCMS Auditorium  Summer Theater Program Registration Form click here.


Growing Gardeners Summer Camp

Saint Marys Catholic Elementary School

Growing Gardeners Summer Camp Who: Students entering 1-2 When: June 12-16, 2023 | 9-11 am (after 6/16/23 camp will be held once weekly every Wednesday starting 6/21/23-8/23/23) Where: SMCES-Community Garden  Growing Gardeners Summer Camp Registration Form click here.


SMCES-IU9 Summer Reading & Math Program

SMCES SUMMER READING AND MATH PROGRAM This year’s Summer Reading and Math program will be free of charge to students currently in grades K-5. This is a federally funded program through Covid relief funds from the IU9. * The goal of this program is to help students strengthen their skills in the area of math […]

Want to add something to our calendar? Contact Jessica Fritz at 814-834-1480 x 234 or email: