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SMCES Relaxed Dress Day

Saint Marys Catholic Elementary School

October is Fire Prevention Month! For a donation of $1 or more, students are permitted to dress in red on Friday, October 13. All proceeds will benefit the Crystal Fire Department.

Cav’s Chicken BBQ

St. Mary's Annex Building 139 Church Street, Saint Marys, PA, United States

Sunday, Oct. 15th 10:30 am until Sold Out St. Mary’s Annex Building (Corner of Maurus & Church St.) $12/Dinner Includes 1⁄2 Chicken, Baked Beans, Macaroni Salad, and a Roll



Elk County Catholic High School 600 Maurus Street, Saint Marys, PA, United States

ECC Athletic Association-Outdoor Bash

Elk County Catholic High School 600 Maurus Street, Saint Marys, PA, United States

ECCHS Athletic Association 7th Annual Outdoor Bash  Sunday, October 22, 2023 12-4 pm | ECCHS Cafeteria Tickets: $20/person (must be age 21 & older to attend) To purchase tickets, visit or contact Tricia Wasko @ 814-592-6430. Tickets will also be sold at the ECCHS school office M-F starting 9/5/23 from 7:15 a.m.-3:30 p.m.


Want to add something to our calendar? Contact Jessica Fritz at 814-834-1480 x 234 or email: