Preschool Prize Pack Winner

Preschool Prize Pack Winner

Congratulations to Amelia Steudler, the winner of our Back to School Preschool Prize Pack! Amelia is in Mrs. Skellen’s new Pre-3 all-day class, which is offered five days a week this year.
LEGO Education Sets

LEGO Education Sets

St. Mary’s Catholic Elementary School is thrilled to announce that it has just received brand-new LEGO Education sets! 🧩✨ Our students are about to embark on a hands-on learning adventure that combines creativity, problem-solving, and STEM...
Crusaders for a Cure T-Shirts

Crusaders for a Cure T-Shirts

Order your CRUSADERS FOR A CURE t-shirt now through September 23. T-shirt sales benefit the ECCHS senior class trip and the Penn Highlands Elk Women’s Imagining Center. 🩷 Scan the QR code to order or visit...
Boy’s Soccer Tournament Update

Boy’s Soccer Tournament Update

There has been a change in the start time for today’s Elk County Boy’s Soccer Tournament. The new schedule is as follows: ELK COUNTY BOYS SOCCER TOURNAMENT New schedule: Thursday, September 5th: 5:15 at Ridgway Elementary – Ridgway vs. ECC 7:30 at...
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Pray for Us

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Pray for Us

Campus Ministry gave the St. Marys Catholic Middle School and Elk County Catholic High School faculty a beautiful welcome-back gift. In honor of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, the gift included her medal, a Bible, and a rosary.