Happy Cinco de Mayo!

That means only five more days till the Pete & Karen Winklbauer Art Fund Auction and Exhibition. Pete and former students will have artwork available for auction on Saturday, May 11, from 6-8 p.m. at the Red Fern. An online auction will be available during the event for those who can not attend. Check back this week for details.

Limited tickets are still available. Visit https://form.jotform.com/240744205442045 to purchase your ticket online today!

Alicia Fritz, our featured artist today, is a true testament to the power of passion and learning. She graduated from Elk County Catholic High School in 2018 and has since acquired her BFA, with a concentration in Graphic and Interactive Design, at Edinboro University. Her work, inspired by nature, past athletic endeavors, texture exploration, animation, creative mentors, and minimalism, reflects her love for art and learning. She is always seeking out new ways to create art.