Attention ECCHS Alumni!
We are looking for guest speakers to come talk to our current ECCHS Junior and Senior class for “Share Your Career Day” on Tuesday, December 21st from 12-1 pm.
Junior and Senior students are asked to share a career path they are interested in and we ask Alumni who are currently working in that field to come in and talk in small groups for about 25 minutes. An optional lunch is served following the group sessions.
We are currently looking for Alumni in the following fields:
-Medical (Neurology or Oncology)
-Elementary Education
-Computer Engineering (Robotics)
-Digital Media
-Graphic Design
-Criminal Justice
ECCHS Alumni that are in college home on break are welcome too.
Topics discussed include:
-What schooling or training was required for your degree or trade?
-What does a routine work day look like for you?
-How many hours do you work?
-How many days of the week do you work?
-Do you travel?
-Does your job require continuous education, license, or certification?
-Average cost of school or trade?
-Necessary classes or training needed?
-Average yearly salary?
-Your internships or summer jobs in your chosen field?
For more information or to participate please email Jessica Fritz @ fritzj@eccss.org.