The fourth graders at St. Marys Catholic Elementary School recently learned about symbolism in their classes. As part of this lesson, they studied American symbols, specifically the Presidential Seal and the American flag, and they were lucky enough to be visited by two local guest speakers – Senior Master Sergeant Suzanne Buttery of the U.S. Air Force (currently serving in her 21st year) and former Specialist-5 Joseph H. Dellaquila, Sr. of the Army National Guard.
Through this visit, the students learned the proper procedure for raising and lowering the American flag, how to fold the flag, what each fold of the flag represents, and, finally, how to properly dispose of a soiled and/or torn flag. In addition, SMSGT Buttery shared with the students her duties as a member of the Air Force and about the awards that adorn her uniform. The students were also gifted Air Force sunglasses, coins, and temporary tattoos by their guests.
Also as part of the unit on symbolism, the students participated in a coloring contest. Pictured, from left to right, are the winners: first place – Luke Songer; second place – Chandler Nunamaker; and third place – Martina Mawn.
The students were so excited about their visitors, and at the conclusion of their visit, they presented them with a wooden, handcrafted flag on which they drew symbols and wrote phrases that represent what America means to them.