Recent changes in Pennsylvania law now require that anyone volunteering in our schools during the school day, or anyone volunteering at a school-sponsored activity where they will interact with students or will supervise school students MUST HAVE CLEARANCES.
This would apply to many of the volunteers we have here at ECCSS. The good news is that these clearances are fairly easy to secure and are free for volunteers.
Some of the volunteers that will now need to secure clearances:
Cafeteria Volunteers
Field Trip Chaperones
Dance/Party Chaperones
Classroom Helpers
Academic Presenters (Junior Achievement Presenters, etc.)
Christmas Store/Book Fair Volunteers
If you spend time volunteering in our schools, we are asking you to get your clearances. These clearances can be obtained online or forms can be submitted via mail.
A list of necessary clearances as well as additional forms that need to be signed and submitted can be found here.
Once you receive your clearances, we ask that you submit a copy to the school office(s) where you volunteer.
We thank you for your continued support of ECCSS schools! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need assistance in this process!